2 days live workshop



Achieve Your Academic Goals With Confidence!

Workshop Price: ₹ 499

Limited Time Offer ₹ 99

A two-day workshop with 90-minute sessions each day to help you discover the secrets to mastering powerful study skills. Whether you're a student or a parent, this workshop is designed to help you navigate through the complexities of academic life with confidence and ease. This live workshop will make you ...


Understand study skills and ways to use them


Learn to stay focused and avoid distractions


Enhance your reading comprehension skills


Retain and recall information more effectively


Learn memory techniques to memorize better and longer


Set academic goals and work with clarity and focus

feeling inadequate in academic pursuits due to lack of confidence?

  • Are you low on motivation or feeling overwhelmed by academic demands? 
  • Are you facing trouble in focusing or staying on task during study sessions? 
  • Do you find it difficult understanding and retaining some of your subjects? 
  • Are you unable to stay engaged and interested in learning? 
  • Are you always forgetting your answers during exams? 
  • Do you find memorizing difficult and tiresome?

If you answered "yes" to any of these, this workshop is just for you!


2 Days Live Workshop

90 Minutes Daily

DAY 1:

  • Study Skills - Why Do You Need Them?
  • The Study Skills to Achieve Your Goals
  • Techniques for 100% Concentration
  • Memorization Skills - Read, Retain, Recall

DAY 2:

  • Mnemonics - Train Your Memory
  • Program Your Thoughts & Your Mind
  • Winman's Coaching & Self-coaching Tool
  • Student's Career Planning for Success

Deepak Khanna - Your Mentor

From a Banker to a Thriving Entrepreneur: The Journey of Creating Winman's Wisdom:

Born with an unwavering dream to be an entrepreneur, I was pushed into a government job at a nationalized bank. Despite the lack of fulfillment, I persevered for over 23 long years until I finally summoned the courage to pursue my dreams after quitting from the job.

I was ridiculed and criticised but was adamant to design and create the life of my dreams.

The journey was not easy, as I went through several failed ventures and lost everything, including my health. However, I did not give up. 

Through relentless efforts and tenacity, I transformed every setback into a valuable lesson and sought guidance from books and mentors. I combined my learnings to create my very own science - the powerful "Winman's Wisdom"

As my passion for learning and teaching continued to flourish, I expanded the horizons of Winman Academy by acquiring expertise in Study Skills. It was my fervent desire to provide students with the tools and techniques to unlock their full potential and thrive academically. 

Our meticulously designed study skills workshop is tailored to equip students with the precise skills and knowledge they need to excel in their chosen careers. We at Winman Academy are devoted to empowering students to achieve their academic goals and flourish in their personal and professional lives.

It is a privilege to witness the incredible transformation that unfolds in our students as they acquire valuable study skills. 

Join us on this exhilarating journey towards Academic Success and Personal Growth.

Unlock The Secrets to Academic Excellence with WINMAN'S WISDOM

Where Every Formula Leads To Success

Develop smart study habits and techniques
Improve memory and recall ability
Cultivate a love for learning and self growth
Boost self-confidence and motivation
Reduce stress and anxiety about studies
Improve grades and academic performance.

Click The ‘Enroll Now’ Button Below And Get Ready To Join ‘Smart Student Happy Parent’ Now.

6 Reasons Why You Must Enroll:

You often struggle to understand or keep up with course material

You feel lack of confidence or motivation in academic pursuits

You have difficulty retaining or recalling information learned in class

You find it difficult preparing for and performing well on exams

You suffer with inability to cope with academic stress or pressure

You are unable to set realistic academic goals and achieve them

Workshop Fee: ₹ 499   ₹ 99

How It Works?


Click the ‘Enroll Now’ button above and you’ll be taken to a secure order page

Order Completion

Complete your order and you’ll get an email with all details about the Workshop and related Links

Attend The Workshop

Click the joining link’ to participate the live sessions & learn from the coach directly

What Our Participants Say

“I am lucky to have joined Winman Academy. My life is now one step ahead. Winman's Wisdom made my  WHY strong. Deepak Sir has a very simple and straight way of making you learn what you need the most. Special regards my mentor Deepak Khanna Sir.”

Veena Kothari

"I joined Winman Academy feeling overwhelmed and lost. The real life education and hand-holding of Winman helped me find new dreams and direction.  I can't thank Deepak Sir enough for his guidance. I'm now on the path to achieving my goals and living my best life."

Amarjeet Singh

"The online learning opportunity from Winman Academy is unmatched. They are dedicated to helping people like me reach their full potential. I'm grateful for the guidance and support and recommend Winman Academy for anyone looking for success in life."

Sanjay Agarwal

“My experience with the workshop of Winman Academy is amazing. I attended with my friends and we all are finding a huge difference in our thinking and working. I will definitely remain connected with Winman Academy for more and more learning. Thank you so much Deepak Sir for the valuable insights.”


"Winman Academy has been a true blessing in my life. It has provided me the guidance I needed to achieve my goals. The positive mindset and attitude training was particularly impactful and has changed my life for the better. I highly recommend Winman Academy to anyone looking for personal growth and success orientation."

Pankaj Agarwal

"I was feeling hopeless about my future when Winman Academy helped me find direction and focus. The self-discovery and personal growth modules were particularly insightful. I thank Winman and Deepak Sir for the valuable guidance. Now, finally I know my Goals and I am working for my Dreams."

Chandani Singh

"Winman Academy taught me the tools to maintain my emotional health while pursuing my goals. The support and guidance provided by Deepak Sir has been invaluable.  I've never felt more confident and willing to chase my goals."

Sanjay Singh Patel

"I was struggling to build a strong business. My training at Winman Academy supported me like a Guardian. The techniques and strategies taught have helped me create meaningful action plans. I will say Winman Academy is for anyone looking to build a Huge Success."

Sunil Garg

“At odd times we look for a mentor who may show the right path. I have found similar mentorship in Winman's Wisdom. I went through Life Designing Workshop -  It has given me strength to fight in life. Special thanks to Deepak Sir for his mentorship.”

Sudesh Sharma

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the main focus of this workshop?

The main focus of this workshop is to provide students and their parents with the tools and techniques they need to succeed in their academic pursuits. 

2. Who can benefit from this study skills workshop?

All student and their parent, regardless of age or academic level, can benefit from a study skills workshop.

3. Will attending this study skills workshop guarantee academic success?

Attending a study skills workshop does not guarantee academic success, but it can provide students with the tools and techniques they need to succeed.

4. Can study skills be improved at any age?

Yes, study skills can be improved at any age with the right training and practice.

5. Are study skills workshops only for struggling students?

No, study skills workshops can benefit all students, regardless of their academic level or performance.

6. Can parents attend this study skills workshop with their child?

Yes, this study skills workshop is designed to focus on providing skills and insights that benefit both parents and children, making it a valuable resource for both parties.

7. How long is the workshop and what is the format?

The workshop consists of two 90-minute sessions, held on two consecutive days. Both sessions are live and conducted in a combination of lectures, interactive activities, and Q&A. The workshop is offered online, and the related links will be sent to you according to the schedule.

winman academy

We offer a one-stop solution to all your endeavors, providing the keys to unlock your full potential and achieve success beyond your wildest dreams.

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